
Pakistan arrests close aide of Osama Bin Laden in Punjab

1 week ago

The Punjab Counterterrorism Department announced the arrest of Amin-ul-Haq, Osama bin Laden’s former assistant and a senior Al-Qaeda leader, in Punjab. In a statement released on Friday, July 19, the department stated: “Amin-ul-Haq was involved in numerous terrorist activities.” Dawn News Pakistan reported that Amin-ul-Haq’s name is listed among the global terrorists by the United […]

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Fidel Rahmati

Israeli Prime Minister makes surprise visit to Rafah in Southern Gaza

1 week ago

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, made a surprise visit to southern Gaza and met with Israeli forces. According to the Associated Press, Netanyahu stated that this trip was necessary for Israel to maintain control over the border areas of Gaza with Egypt. The Prime Minister’s office shared images of Netanyahu’s meeting with Israeli […]

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Fidel Rahmati

Anti-war protests in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan turn violent

1 week ago

Hundreds of residents from the Bannu district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province staged protests early Friday morning, July 19, against the insecurity in their area. Reports indicate that as protesters attempted to enter a military base in Bannu, army forces fired shots towards them. The call for these protests was initiated by local traders who claim […]

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Fidel Rahmati

IOM: Over half a million leave Afghanistan in last three months

1 week ago

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has reported a significant movement of people in and out of Afghanistan during the second quarter of this year. According to the IOM, over 532,000 individuals departed Afghanistan between April and June, while more than 858,000 entered the country during the same period. The reasons for leaving Afghanistan vary, […]

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Fidel Rahmati

Former President Trump: China takes control of Bagram air base in Afghanistan

1 week ago

Donald Trump stated in his speech on the final day of the National Republican Convention that China had taken control of Bagram Air Base. Trump criticized Joe Biden for abandoning Bagram Air Base and leaving behind military equipment worth $85 billion in Afghanistan. He stated that the importance of Bagram is not because of Afghanistan […]

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Fidel Rahmati

Afghanistan Journalists Center: Taliban shut down 7 media outlets in first half of 2024

1 week 1 day ago

The Afghanistan Journalists Center (AFJC) reported that seven media outlets have been shut down in the first half of 2024 under Taliban orders. The center also documented 89 violations against journalists and media, including 60 threats and 29 detentions. On Thursday, July 18th, the Afghanistan Journalists Center highlighted the situation of media and journalists during […]

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Fidel Rahmati

Amnesty International: Nearly 4,000 Afghans in Pakistan await transfer to Germany

1 week 1 day ago

Amnesty International has urged the German government not to abandon Afghan refugees in Pakistan amidst concerns over their uncertain fate. According to a statement released on Wednesday, July 17th, the organization reported 3,700 Afghan refugees in Islamabad awaiting transfer to Germany. Additionally, 15,000 more individuals in Afghanistan are in contact with the German government. Amnesty […]

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Fidel Rahmati

Concerns Raised Over Human Rights Conditions in Pakistani Prisons

1 week 1 day ago

Prisons are expected to serve as correctional facilities for those who have committed crimes. However, in Pakistan, they are often criticized for their treatment of inmates, which some argue is more punitive than reformative. Instead of rehabilitating individuals, Pakistani prisons are often seen as environments that can transform minor offenders into hardened criminals. Journalist Sajjar […]

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Noman Hossain

Afghans question credibility of India’s Foreign Minister’s claims on people-to-people ties: Afghan Journalist

1 week 1 day ago

In response to India’s Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar’s recent assertions on the foundational role of people-to-people connections in India’s relationship with Afghanistan, many Afghans express skepticism and disappointment, perceiving these claims as lacking substantive support. Jaishankar emphasized India’s commitment to fostering bilateral ties through humanitarian aid, highlighting contributions such as food, essential medicines, and pesticides […]

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Khaama Press

China halts US nuclear arms control talks over Taiwan support

1 week 1 day ago

China has announced that it has suspended negotiations with the United States over nuclear arms control in protest against the U.S. sale of weapons to Taiwan. On Wednesday, Lin Jian, spokesperson for China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told reporters that recent U.S. arms sales to Taiwan have “seriously jeopardized the political atmosphere for continuing serious […]

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Fidel Rahmati

Building fire in China’s Sichuan province kills 16

1 week 1 day ago

Chinese media reported that a fire in a shopping center in southern China had claimed the lives of 16 individuals. According to Xinhua News Agency, updated on Thursday, 30 people who were trapped were rescued from the scene. Chinese authorities initially announced six casualties immediately after the fire, but shortly thereafter, the death toll from […]

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Fidel Rahmati

The Increasing Risk of Radicalisation: Pakistan’s Labour Force in the Age of AI

1 week 1 day ago

Over the past decades, Pakistan has faced significant challenges related to radicalization and terrorism. Instances of terror financing, training of militants, and harboring known terrorists have drawn global attention. In response, the international community has imposed various sanctions and anti-money laundering protocols on Pakistan, which has struggled with economic instability due to poor macroeconomic decisions […]

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Noman Hossain

Afghan fathers with daughters believe in gender equality, says new study

1 week 1 day ago

In a recent study from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, research shows that fathers with first-born daughters demonstrate a stronger commitment to women’s human rights in Afghanistan. The research advises Afghan men to support women and girls to bring about real change in Afghanistan. Conducted by researchers at the Lab for Human Security at the […]

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Fidel Rahmati

Families of 13 US service members killed at Kabul airport express support for Trump

1 week 1 day ago

On the third night of the National Republic Party Convention, families of 13 U.S. soldiers killed during the American withdrawal at Kabul Airport expressed support for Donald Trump. In the suicide bombing on August 26, 2021, at least 169 Afghans and 13 U.S. soldiers were killed. The ISIS-K group claimed responsibility for this deadly suicide […]

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Fidel Rahmati

5 killed, 13 injured in traffic accident in Badakhshan, Afghanistan

1 week 1 day ago

Local officials in Badakhshan province report that five people have died and 13 others were injured as a result of a traffic accident. The Security Command of Badakhshan province stated that the incident occurred on Wednesday, July 17, on the road to Kohistan district in the province, resulting in five fatalities and 13 injuries. According […]

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Fidel Rahmati

US providing emergency assistance to flood victims in Afghanistan

1 week 1 day ago

Karen Decker, a U.S. Embassy official for Afghanistan, expressed solidarity with the recent flood victims in Nangarhar, Laghman, and Panjshir provinces, stating that her country is arranging emergency aid for those affected by the floods. On Wednesday, July 17th, the U.S. Embassy official for Afghanistan posted on social media that they are monitoring the situation […]

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Fidel Rahmati

Pakistan and Iran deport over 2,000 Afghan refugees

1 week 1 day ago

The Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation announced the expulsion of over two thousand Afghan migrants from Iran and Pakistan. The ministry stated on Thursday, July 18th, in a newsletter, that a total of 2,243 Afghan migrants were expelled from Iran and Pakistan in one day. According to the ministry’s newsletter, those expelled entered the country […]

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Fidel Rahmati

Hundreds of security personnel to secure Paris Olympics opening ceremony

1 week 1 day ago

As the 2024 Paris Olympics approaches, French media have reported that nearly a thousand security personnel have been deployed to ensure the security of the opening ceremony along the Seine River, where 10,000 athletes will participate in a parade. The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics, scheduled for July 26th of this year, is set […]

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Fidel Rahmati

Israeli parliament approves resolution rejecting Palestinian statehood

1 week 1 day ago

Israeli media have reported that the country’s parliament (Knesset) has passed a resolution rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state with a majority vote. According to the Israel Times, in a report released early this morning Thursday, July 18th, the resolution was supported by coalition parties of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, right-wing opposition parties, and […]

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Fidel Rahmati

Biden tests positive for COVID-19, self-isolates with mild symptoms

1 week 2 days ago

Recently, the White House announced that recent tests indicate President Joe Biden has tested positive for COVID-19. The announcement was made on Wednesday, July 17th, through a statement mentioning that Biden abruptly canceled his scheduled speech in Las Vegas, Nevada, following the examinations. Karen Jean Pierre, White House spokesperson, stated that President Biden is experiencing […]

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Fidel Rahmati